Patricia Neal is the founder, owner and operator of Divine Lemonade. Appropriately named "Divine Lemonades," since she says was "divinely" given the name and recipes for her drinks.
"Everything about the drinks is all natural, God gave me the recipe and I've been making it for nearly 21 years. It's a combination of different things that gives it such a smooth and divine taste, " said Neal. "The business just grew out of something I just always did for myself." She is the baby of eight siblings and whenever they had family functions she was always making the tea and lemonade. Neal has always had the recipe, however it just wasn't time yet for her business to be birthed.
While in the process of discovering her destiny and Divine Lemonades, she endured heartache and sickness nearly everywhere she turned. It was then at that time her faith was tested after doctors detected a very large tumor in her breast, as she was diagnosed with Stage 3 breast cancer.
After many ups and downs she was then able to devote more attention to her business, especially Divine Lemonades and she now offers 65 flavors and counting of tea and lemonade, which she has made available to the general public in 50 stores throughout North Carolina and Virginia. She will soon service South Carolina. She has added a premium line of coffee, spiced tea and cocoa. Although Neal has beat her battle of cancer she still devotes herself and her business by giving a percentage of her sales to help support breast cancer research and in loving memory of her late mother.
Neal is a true testimony of one who has taken the sour lemons in her life and turned them into Divine Lemonade.